Dr.Ignasi Florensa Ferrando

Mechanics Department - Academic Area
Email: iflorensa@euss.cat
Office: Desp. professors (DE16)
Phone: +34 935039121
EUSS Address: Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
Pg. Sant Joan Bosco, 74 - 08017 Barcelona
Telf: +34 932 805 244 - Fax: +34 932 806 642
Academic CV
Doctor/a en Competivitat Empresarial i Territorial, Innovació i Sostenibilitat
(2018, Universitat Ramon Llull)
Màster propi en Enginyeria ambiental de l'empresa
(2014, Universitat Ramon Llull)
Màster Oficial en Formació del Professorat d'ESO i Batxillerat, FP i ensenyament d'idiomes, especialitat en Matemàtiques
(2012, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Enginyer/a de Camins, Canals i Ports
(2007, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Report for Tenure-track lecturer
(04/03/2020, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)
Social networks
Dr. Ignasi Florensa graduated as MSc in Civil Engineering at UPC, Barcelona (2007) and has three Masters one in Environmental Engineering from IQS School of Engineering (2011), a master on Didactics of Mathematics at Secondary Level from Universitat Autònoma de Barceona (2012) and a Master in Research in Chemical Engineering from IQS School of Engineering (2013) He worked in the private sector as field Civil Engineer and Project Engineer (2006-2011). He joined the Mechanical Department of the EUSS School of Engineering in 2011 and he is currently Head of the University ? Corporate and Teaching Innovation Area. He completed his PhD in 2018 about the contributions of the epistemological and didactic analysis on study processes in engineering within the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic framework. He belongs to the international research groups on Analytics, Simulations and Inquiry in STEM and Business Education (ASISTEMBE) and the ATD group (www.atd-tad.org). In 2019 he obtained the accreditation of lecturer issued by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) and the AQU has validate a six-year period of research activity.
Scientific interests
My research focuses mainly on the analysis of study processes in higher education in the field of anthropological theory of the didactic. First of all, I study the ecological conditions that govern the design and implementation of study and research paths in engineering. Second, I also study the transitions in mathematical education in engineering and the implementation of study and research paths that reduce these transitional phenomena.
Mathematics education, engineering education, inquiry study processes, anthropological theory of the didactic
Most significant academic merits
Publications: 30; Citations: 124 (21/09/2021) Publication in first quartile (Q1): 4; h-index=6; i10-index:=5 Invited book chapters: 3 Contributions to Congresses: 15 (14 international) Member of the editing comitee: "Recherches en didactique des Mathématiques" Participation in Projects: 2 National Projects, Member of the research group ASISTEMBE
Report for Tenure-track lecturer (AQU, 2019) 1 six-year periods of research activity (AQU)
Scientifics highlights
1. Florensa, I., Bosch, M. & Gascón, J. (2021) Question?answer maps as an epistemological tool in teacher education. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 24(2)
2. Florensa, I., Bosch, M., Gascón, J., & Winsløw, C. (2018). Study and Research Paths: A new tool for design and management of project based learning in Engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(6), 1848?1862.
3. Bartolomé, E., Florensa, I., Bosch, M., & Gascón, J. (2018). A "study and research path" enriching the learning of mechanical engineering. European Journal of Engineering Education, 44(3), 330?346.
4. Barquero, B., Florensa, I. & Ruiz-Olarría, A. (2019) The education of school and university teachers within the paradigm of questioning the world. In M. Bosch, Y. Chevallard, F.J. Garcia and J. Monaghan (Eds.). Working with the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic in
Mathematics Education. London, Taylor Francis.
5. García, F.J., Baquero, B., Florensa, I. & Bosch, M. (2019). Diseño de tareas en el marco de la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico. Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 15, 75-94.