Dr.Andreu Moreno Vendrell

Electronics Department - Academic Area

Email: amoreno@euss.cat



EUSS Address: Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
Pg. Sant Joan Bosco, 74 - 08017 Barcelona
Telf: +34 932 805 244 - Fax: +34 932 806 642

Academic CV

Doctor/a en Telecomunicació
(2000, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Enginyer/a en Telecomunicació
(1995, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


Report for Tenure-track lecturer
(05/07/2012, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)
Report for Collaborating lecturer
(03/04/2006, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)


Cap del Servei intern de pastoral


Dr. Andreu Moreno Vendrell got the BS degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 1995 and the PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in 2000, both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain). Since 2005 his research is related to parallel and distributed computing. His main interests are focused on high performance parallel applications, automatic performance analysis and dynamic tuning, and agent based simulation systems. He has been involved in the definition of performance models for automatic and dynamic performance tuning and in the development of a new benchmark for agent based frameworks. He is lecturer at the Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, associated college of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is IEEE member.

Scientific interests

Currently the lines of research of my interest are the following: Agent-based systems. I am currently working on developing a bechmark tool that should improve performance in agent-based systems simulation. In addition, with the aim of improving the quality of university teaching, I carry out research in the field of Higher Education; in particular I research the application of new methodologies based on active learning, projects and research, such as Teaching and Research Paths (SRPs), in technical careers.


Parallel Applications; High Performance Computer Systems; Agent-Based Systems; Active learning in Engineering Education

Most significant academic merits

Number of doctoral theses supervised in the last 10 years: 1 Total Citations: 77 (Researcher ID), Average Citations per year: 3.5 (Researcher ID) Publications in 1st quartile: 2 Index h: 5 (Researcher ID)


Acreditació de "Col·laborador" (AQU, 2006) Acreditació de "Lector" (AQU, 2012) 1 sexenni de recerca

Scientifics highlights

Andreu Moreno, Juan J. Rodríguez, Daniel Beltrán, Anna Sikora, Josep Jorba, Eduardo César Designing a benchmark for the performance evaluation of agent-based simulation applications on HPC JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING Magazine, Volume 75, Issue 3, pp 1524-1550. DOI 10.1007 / s11227-018-2688-8 (2019) 2019
Andreu Moreno, Anna Sikora, Eduardo César, Joan Sorribes, Tomàs Margalef HeDPM: load balancing of linear pipeline applications on heterogeneous systems Journal of supercomputing (published online) 2017. DOI: 10.1007 / s11227-017-1971-4 2017
Claudia Rosas, Anna Sikora, Josep Jorba, Andreu Moreno, Eduardo Cesar Improving Performance on Data-Intensive Applications Using a Load Balancing Methodology based on Divisible Load Theory International Journal of Parallel Programming, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 94-11842 2014 SSN: 0885-7458
Claudia Rosas, Anna Sikora, Josep Jorba, Andreu Moreno, Antonio Espinosa, Eduardo Cesar Dynamic tuning of the workload partition factor and the resource utilization in data-intensive applications Future Generation Computer Systems, 37, pp. 162-177 2013 ISSN: 0167-739X
A. Moreno, E. Cesar, A. Guevara, J. Sorribes and T. Margalef Title: Load balancing in homogeneous pipeline based applications Parallel Computing, Volum: 38 Pages: 125?139 2012 ISSN: 0167-8191